Many freelance writers don’t realize it, but the skills they possess are literally worth thousands of dollars. They are uniquely positioned to take the marketing knowledge they possess and turn it into a cash-generating machine. Following is how and why.
Freelance Writers: Why Your Skill is Worth Thousands of Dollars & How to Capitalize On It
Writers who freelance are intimately familiar with the internet. They use it to conduct research, to market for new clients and to reach out to various online communities (eg, other freelance writers, internet marketers, niches they’re interested in, etc.).
They also know about effective online marketing tools like social media (eg, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook), blogging and article marketing, to name a few. Why is this important? Well, a lot of freelance writers have clients who aren’t this advanced. They don’t get the whole “internet marketing” thing. This presents a perfect opportunity for enterprising freelancers to capitalize by offering services to clients over and beyond just writing. For example, as a freelance writer you could offer to set up and manage social media accounts, submit articles to article directories, and set up and update blogs for clients.
See how easy it is for astute writers who freelance to capitalize on their knowledge?
Freelance Writers: Tips for Packaging Services to Make Clients Want to “Buy Now”
Speaking of capitalize, how do you go about it? Quite simply, package each service you offer and sell its benefits. Following are some simple tips for doing so.
Dig Up Stats: The easiest way to sell a service is to sell the benefit of the service. And, nothing sells in business like numbers. When clients see in black and white that:
Twitter Use: Has over 106 million users, and adds a mind-boggling 300,000 new users every day; that
Facebook: Has 400 million users worldwide. 50% log on every day and the average user spends almost an hour (55 minutes) on the site; and that
LinkedIn: 70,000,000 million users worldwide; more than 50% of its users are decision makers in their firms.
Numbers like this are hard to ignore.
As a freelance writer, you’re a veritable wealth of marketing information – information that can be worth thousands of dollars in additional income if you use it right.
Speak Up: Many clients may not ask you to provide a service – even if they want it – because they think of you as “just a freelance writer.” So speak up. If you offer social media services like setting up and managing Facebook and Twitter accounts, tell existing and future clients about it.
Separate Category on Your Site: On your freelance writing website, have a separate page and/or category for each service you offer.
This makes it easy for clients to see, “Oh, she offers a range of services I could use.” Some possible service offerings include:
- Social Media
- Blog Posting
- Article Writing & Submission
- Ebook Writing
- Press Release Writing & Distribution
There’s no reason to struggle to make money if you’re a freelance writer. It’s one of those careers that thrives in good times and bad. BUT, you must use the marketing knowledge you possess to not only land clients – but maximize each relationship. This means providing services over and beyond “just” writing.